Modelling two populations competing for a resource

I'm currently working on modelling two populations competing for a resource using a continuous approach rather than discrete. The system consists of three coupled non linear differential equations. One representing a resource and the other two, populations.

At the start I was unsure what approach I should use to model this system, I considered using a discrete method such as with cellular automata but it just didn't feel right. I had already worked on modelling reaction-diffusion systems with coupled differential equations and so I thought I would stick with my strength.

I found a number of books rather useful:

I coded the simulation of the system in FreeBaisc. The model itself is in 0 + 2 dimensions. I haven't analysed the 2D output screen capture yet although I have been analysing the phase portraits of specific spatial locations and also the stability analysis of the equations themselves. But in the interest of prettiness here is a picture of a 2D output (explanation to follow).


Pattern formation in hot chocolate

Found these patterns in my mug whilst working late one night :). Hope to model the pattern formation with fluid dynamics at some point.

Useful papers: